I wish I would've bought this tool belt a long time ago! It's super comfortable and designed to carry everything I need. I use to wear suspenders to help take the strain off my hips, but with this pouch I've been suspender-less since I put it to work! Might try out the 'Boulder suspenders' eventually to give a further review. 10/10 journeyman approved.
I like that it light belt clip I have another one from another brand. A lot more durable but can’t beat the price !
I purchased the Ultimate Electrician MAX Comfort Combo Tool Belt & Comfort Padded Suspenders. After unpacking the delivery box, I was immediately impressed with the quality of both products. The tool belt & suspenders are created instructed with very durable materials which will last for years to come. I would absolutely recommend Boulder Bag to anyone who is looking for a superior tool bag.